Sex Ed. Speaker. Writer. Researcher. Mother.
Positive Sexuality Education for the Modern Child/Parent/School/Agency.
Get in touch with me here to talk about your community's sexuality education needs.
Here's some of my work....(its all free to use and download)
The Practical Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships: a teaching resource for Years 7 to 10 . Funded by the Australian Government. In line with the Australian Curriculum - HPE. It's free!
Check out Micheal Camilleri's illustrations- How to Get to Know Someone from The Practical Guide…
Talk soon talk often - a guide for parents talking to their kids about sex commissioned by the WA Health and reproduced in Tasmania and NSW. This is Nepean Health's online version, or you can download the WA pdf.
Catching on early - Sexuality education for Victorian primary schools for Victorian Department of Education and Training. Have a flip through!
“Having worked internationally in the field of sex and relationships education for over 25 years, first for the United Nations and more recently for several universities, I have come across many publications purporting to be written for parents. Normally, these are couched in medical or technical language with a focus on abstinence. Jenny’s work was very different, engaging directly with what young people think and do, as well as the varying needs of parents. Writing from the heart as well as the head, she managed to cut through much of the obfuscation and nonsense that abounds. It is no surprise that Talk Soon, Talk Often came to be reprinted and distributed by state government after state government here in Australia, and is now finding broad international appeal.”
Peter Aggleton PhD FAcSS FASSA, Emeritus Professor of Education and Health, UNSW Sydney
and Editor-in-Chief of Sex Education journal. AUSTRALIA”