Here is some of my current and previous work for Australian and State governments, and philanthropic funders.
Everything is free to download. Sex education is finally teaching that sex can be pleasurable A perfect demonstration of how sex ed should be taught 'Australia has always been leagues ahead of the United States'
The Practical Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships: a teaching resource for Years 7 to 10 from the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, funded by the Australian Government. Developed in line with the Australian Curriculum - Health and Physical Education. Written with Emeritus Professor Anne Mitchell and Mandy Hudson. Here is some recent international press about The Guide:
The Practical Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships features 8 great videos co-written with artist Michael Camilleri and Sarah Gilligan. You can see all of them here. This video is for 7-8 students, "STANDING UP FOR YOURSELF - When relationships get ‘crunchy’ or someone oversteps your boundaries one option is to try and speak up. Your style of communication makes a difference to how successful you are at getting heard". ..
Catching on early - teaching and learning activities from prep to Year 6 is an evidence-based resource founded on research into sexuality education and child sexual development. Commissioned by the Department of Education and Early Childhood, Victorian Government. It was recently updated in 2013 to reflect the AusVELS curriculum.
“I think it is fantastic. It is user friendly, professionally produced. It’s developmental and sequential. It’s all you need”
“an excellent is both sequential and comprehensive, with good activities and support for teachers.”
Talk soon talk often - a guide for parents talking to their kids about sex is written for parents and families. It was commissioned by the WA Department of Health following research with young people and parents about their experiences of sexual health education. You can find the research report, by Dr Sue Dyson, here. Talk soon. talk often has been extremely popular and has been reproduced in Tasmania and NSW.
If you live in WA you can order a hard copy here. If you live in Tasmania you can order a hard copy here. If you live in NSW you can enquire about hard copies here. is an interactive website created in 2009 which is pretty old in tech terms but it remains one of the few graphic forms of online sex education sites for 10-12 year olds.
Websites were getting popular back in 2009 as a format for delivering sex ed to teenagers, but there was nothing for 10 - 12 year olds. We successfully sought funding from a philanthropic organisation to produce the website. It has since been endorsed by Departments of Education across Australia, as well as recommended around the world. We won the Australian Teachers of Multimedia award for best educational multi-media resource for primary school and in its first five months had over three million hits worldwide.